Update #1: Post Images and Custom Domains

It's been almost a week since the beta for Swish.ink began. I think it's nice to send out these updates so that you're aware of what's been happening with the product.

I've decided to use Iteretta for this so that you can unsubscribe from these newsletters if you want.

Shipped Features

Post images

Every post now has an auto generated image showing the Title, tags, blog name and the blog url. I think it looks pretty good and means that you don't have to set featured images for every post.

You can take a look at an example on the listing page of this blog. You can also share any post and see the nice card on the social media preview.

Custom domains

It is now possible to use your custom domains for your blogs. Note that you will have to set the correct CNAME record for the domain you want to use. Please try it out and let me know what you think.

Planned features

Here's the list of features I plan to ship this week.

NOTE: You can always check the state of things by viewing this Trello board.

Logo upload

It is necessary that you should be able to upload an image to be used as a blog logo. This image will be used to generate a favicon, and also be used on the background of the generated post images.

RSS feed

This is something every blog should have. So, I intend to get it out ASAP.

Right now, everyone is stuck with the generated post images. It only makes sense that you should be able to set your own featured image.

UI improvements

Over the past days, I've gotten a lot of suggestions about how the UI can be improved. So there's already a list of things I have in mind.


As always, you can reply to this email, or send me a new one at stephen@swish.ink with any feedback or suggestions you have.

I know the product is still has many ways it can improve. I really appreciate all the feedback I've gotten so far. Thank you.

Reposted from Indie Hackers

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