Update #13: In the last six months....

It's been over 6 months since the last update, a lot of changes has been happening with Swish.
Here's what has changed, and a promise that the next update would not take another 6 months 😅.

What's New?

Default Editor

The default editor is now the WYSIWYG editor. I understand that many people are not used to markdown and a WYSIWYG editor is more in line with the first expectations.
The markdown editor is still there and can be selected from the preferences menu.

Hashnode imports

The Hashnode integration has been updated to support importing posts.

PGP Keys

Every blog now has a PGP key pair. The public key is linked from the meta tags so any tool can find it. There is also a menu in the settings to sign text with this key.
This is not very useful for most people, but allows for some niche use cases, like using your blog domain to sign in through protocols like indieauth.

Pay-walled Posts

You can now mark certain posts as private, this will require users to log in to be able to view them.

To power this feature, you'd have to enable an Integration for Post Protection. The first platform we have created an integration for is Memberful, let us know if you have any platforms you would like us to support so we can prioritize it.

Remove Swish Branding

Blogs on a paid plan can now remove "Powered by Swish" from the footer.

Background Color

From the theme options, it is now possible to change the background color of the blog pages.

The default background color was also changed from pure white to a warm white which is easier on the eyes.

Table of contents

An automatically generated table of contents is now shown alongside blog posts (currently only on desktop).

The visibility of the table of contents can be set for the entire blog and can also be overridden for individual posts.

Sharing from the Post Edit screen

When viewing a published post, you can now easily share directly to any of your active sharing integrations.
You are no longer limited to only when the post was published.

UI improvements

UI improvements are always being made. Most are too small to list here, but over time they add up.
PS: If you have any suggestions, let us know.

Webmention Integration

For adding comments through Webmention.io. Documentation.

If you do not already have an account you would have to create one using IndieAuth, and that requires signing a text using a PGP key.
Supporting this is the primary reason why the PGP feature was added. Take a look at the documentation to see how it works.

Adsense Integration

To instantly enable Google Adsense on your blog. Documentation.

Custom Code Integration

With this integration, you can add snippets of HTML code to the header and footer of your blog. Documentation.

CommentBox Integration

For adding comments with CommentBox. Documentation.

Commento Integration

For adding comments with Commento. Documentation.

Swarmify Integration

Integration with Swarmify Video CDN to automatically optimize any embedded videos. Documentation.

Linkedin Integration

The LinkedIn integration now supports sharing to organization pages. Documentation.

Memberful Integration

For limiting an entire blog, or just individual posts to “Members Only”. Documentation.

What's Next?

Over this time A LOT of work has gone into theming. The immediate plan is to start publishing a number of themes in the near future.

As always, I am open to suggestions and feedback. You can either send me an email or send me a DM on Twitter.

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